Nesting offers for the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in the Czech Republic (n = 4461) – natural breeding sites and nest boxes. © TYTO, z. s. 2021.

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Nesting biotopes of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in the Czech Republic (n = 4461). © TYTO, z. s. 2021.

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Chronology of nest box installation for the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in the Czech Republic in the period 1982¬–2021 (n = 4029). Data of the Czech Barn Owl conservation and research working group. © TYTO, z. s. 2021.

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Representation of entities dedicated to the inspection and maintenance of nest boxes for the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in the Czech Republic. Data of the Czech Barn Owl conservation and research working group. © TYTO, z. s. 2021.

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Occupied breeding places of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) in the Czech Republic in the period 1998–2015 (n = 1340). Data of the Czech Barn Owl conservation and research working group. © TYTO, z. s. 2021.

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